Is being happy really a choice?

January is a month most people struggle to get through. Lack of sunshine is often blamed, but it is also the period following Christmas where focus was on catching up with family and friends, eating good food, attending parties and where we spent time thinking about other people; what they like and what makes them happy, and then buying that very thing which we so wanted to see them open to feel we got it right and feel warm inside, feel happy.

Turns out that there might be something in that. According to the Happy movie by Roko Belic, it is these acts of kindness, of reaching out, of compassion, cooperation and caring about other people that brings happiness. The good news is we can practise it, just like exercising a muscle.

So who in your immediate circle needs a little reminder that you care? A little note in their lunch box, a chocolate bar in their coat pocket, a bath run for when they get home or some daffodils in a vase to remind us all that spring is near…