The Dalai Lama famously said: ‘When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But when you listen you may learn something new’. It sounds easy, but listening properly is really difficult. It requires total focus on the person you are listening to and being completely open to all the signals that their […]
Coaching is the new buzz word that everyone is talking about in business, but what is coaching and what is the difference between coaching and mentoring, two terms which seem to be used interchangeably and how can you use them to further your career? Mentoring is an ongoing process with a peer or manager at […]
Change is all around us; Brexit, new Government, people escaping war in Syria… For years we have been told to deal with change, that it is inevitable and definitely a prerequisite skill to get an interview: adaptability, willingness to change is a must etc. Just because it has become necessary to deal with today’s world […]
It was the famous psychologist Carl Rogers who stated that deep within us human beings are striving to become all that they can be. It is just that sometimes this force gets buried under to-do lists, chores, commitments, obligations or stress caused by being on the hamster wheel of life or work. The reason why […]